Power Automate

How to store Microsoft forms responses in a SharePoint list?

MS Form

We know that Microsoft forms is very easy to design and collect responses. But it becomes very handy when you include Microsoft forms connector with flow and save responses in a SharePoint List. Power Automate has trigger “When a new response is submitted,” and one action, “Get response details“.  This action pulls in the details of the form response as...

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How to create a simple approval flow?[Part-2]


In my previous article, I have explained about approval process. Now we will see how to create a simple approval flow using power Automate/Flow. Use Case- When user will create one leave request in Leave Management List, it will go for approval to his/her manager. Once manager approved/rejected we will notify to the user and update leave status on SharePoint...

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What is an Approval flow in Power Automate(MS Flow)?[Part-1]


Today, Approval process is a part of every organization. Approval processes standardise organization’s internal process. Approval process could be either for leave or for some expense report. In Power Automate, when we use approval action, approvers are notified and they can review and act accordingly. In flow, we use approval actions which will perform actions after trigger starts the flow....

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